Meyricke Serjeantson


October 15
Papakowhai to Sydney

The original plan had been to walk down the steps to the train. The minute that I saw the rain on the windows, I rang the neighbours and begged a lift. This got me to the station earlier than I had intended and I waited and waited for a train. During this time the clouds glowered but no more rain appeared. When the train into Wellington was 10 minutes late and the outwards one was 15 minutes late, I started to panic. Remembering that Doug had offered me a lift, I had started to dial his number to see if it was still on offer, when both trains arrived at the same time. I climbed aboard and we proceeded into Wellington at no great pace, mainly because of a series of track maintenance works, arriving about 15 minutes behind schedule.


Paremata Station in the gloom

Wellington Bus Station

I waited at the bus stop and was then confused when either the bus I had intended to catch arrived 12 minutes late or the following bus arrived 8 minutes early. Either way, I arrived at the airport slightly later than scheduled but, in the absence of queues anywhere (except to pay the departure tax), I sailed through the formalities and had an hour to wait in the lounge.


Boarding was fine but we then had to wait 30 minutes for a lady who had checked in but not bothered to board. She eventually arrived, looking very elegant, was greeted by a chorus of boos but obviously didn’t give a stuff that she had just angered and inconvenienced a whole plane load of people.

Waiting patiently in the lounge


The flight was slightly bumpy but not excessively so, and we made fair time, arriving about 20 minutes late. From there on, everything worked like clockwork. I completed immigration, collected my bag, caught the train and was checking into the hotel within 60 minutes of landing. That’s Singapore-like efficiency!

The apartment is amazing. Very smart, with a kitchen to die for and even a washing machine. This later proved to be a bit of a problem and I never managed to get the tumble drier bit to work. The safe wasn’t working, either, and the man from reception wrestled with it for a while before admitting defeat.

Sir John Young Hotel



First beer of the trip

Just round the corner from the hotel is the Sir John Young Hotel, a typical Sydney boozer. I had my first beer of the trip, took some photos and considered having a steak. I decided against as the only one on offer was 300 gm and I didn’t want that much.

Liverpool Street - the Spanish Quarter

Tapas dinner

Given that I was in the Spanish Quarter (at least half a dozen establishments) I reverted to the original plan and hit a Tapas bar. I ordered a salad, some chorizo and some calamari, to be washed down by a glass of white wine. Excellent and I was suitably replete by the end. Many (most?) of my fellow diners were of Asian origin. This tied in with my memories from my last visit that this part of town was a bit like Little Singapore.

Over the road is a large supermarket and I adjourned there to collect some supplies for my breakfasts. Prices were quite high, particularly for the dairy products. I will have to check if that is typical or just a feature of shopping in an inner city supermarket. I then crawled home to bed.

October 16